My rocky start was my greatest gift.

It took me a long time to find my true self. I lost myself when I was a child as my childhood was a bit difficult and occasionally harsh.

Three large families lived at the farm where I grew up, and the relationships between them was not so good. 
My mother suffered from severe postpartum depression and ended up leaving me and my five older siblings behind.

After my mother left, life continued, I guess I klinged to my Dad. To grow up on a farm, you must learn to keep working no matter what happens. For my inner child, this was emotional starvation. Without realizing it, this was maybe the message I recieved: “You’re are not that important and you don’t deserve to be loved.”

I became a kindergarten teacher, perhaps the real reason was to learn more about the needs of little ones.

After raising my three children, a therapist helped me work on my childhood traumas – the child that was left behind. The therapy helped me become a better person.

However, my inner child was still a bit lost. I suffered from low self-esteem and little self-confidence, not feeling good or smart enough. I was rather much an introvert and shy. Lecturing and teaching seemed hard for me. Expressing myself verbally was very hard.

It wasn’t until I discovered essential oils in 2000, through my teacher of natural medicine, that I began to connect with my true self more and find out what I really wanted to do with my life, what I could do.

My Nose Guided My Healing

I like to say that essential oils are complicated organic chemistry and that I prefer to teach about them with the nose, which is easy: just let your nose decide which oils you feel like using.

Right from the start, I fell in love with two oil blends: Valor and Trauma Life. (If you’ve ever deeply connected with an oil, you know what I mean.) Trauma Life was almost an obsession for a short while. That quickly faded when I stopped needing it.

I used Frankincense (an all purpose healing oil) as a perfume and Valor all over my body. I learned to put Forgiveness in my belly button for 30 consecutive days before sleep, first and foremost to forgive myself but also to forgive my mother and my father, and of course I used the blend called Inner Child.

But it was Valor, the oil of courage, that was the key to my transformation. I used it extensively for months, if not years. I literally poured it over me, especially on my head and wrist.

Valor gave me the courage to stand by myself. It grounded me and connected me with Mother Earth. And it helped me see what mattered most to me. It gave me courage to teach.  Life was better but I wasn’t really happy,  I was most of the time trying to be perfect, just doing what I thought was expected of me.

I knew I had to do more and happiness needed to come from inside, I needed to do inner work. I used Valor and took a codependence healing program by my friend Gitte Lassen. Those two tools made the biggest difference in how I felt about myself. I transformed, I litterally transformed.

I quit my work as a kindergarten teacher and became a self-employed naturopath to help people experience the healing power of nature.

Little by little, I’ve felt more and more connected with my deepest purpose in life: to serve nature and teach people about healthy living.

By living my purpose, life has gotten better and better! My success is a sign to me that I’m on the right path. Not only do I feel a lot better but I’ve also received various recognitions and had the privilege of visiting several Young Living farms – an incredible experience on so many levels.

More About the Magic of Oils

I truly cherish teaching people what the magic of essential oils does for their health.

The oils constantly take me on new journeys deeper into myself. It’s my sense, and my belief, that these powerful oils are nature’s magic combined with the wisdom of the Spirit and that’s why these complex aromas so deeply impact our well-being and happiness.

My most recent transformation period started three years ago when I fell in love with Believe, a wonderful oil blend that in many ways is like a sister of Valor.

I also like to tell you another example, but I used the Harmony oil blend generously over few weeks on my left shoulder. Harmony was not a bled I was attracted to until I came to know that it could help me heal an emotional issue, from early childhood, that apparently had settled itself in my shoulder. For sure, we carry our emotional burdens on our backs and shoulders just as heavily as any other burden, even if we don’t realize it. And it was a total surprise to me that with muscle testing Harmony came up as the oil for this shoulder pain!

Most recently a new and utterly irresistible blend called Live Your Passion has found its way into my morning meditation.
I have to tell you my life has never been more exciting than it is now! I so look forward to waking up every single day. I’m very content, happy and grateful for my life and for all you wonderful people in my life.

Help Me Embrace the Vision

My dream for Iceland and Europe:
I love Young Living’s vision and my dream is that all families in Iceland – and in your country as well – get the opportunity to use these pure, sophisticated elements of nature to support the wellness of the whole family and the health of our planet, our mother Earth.

Young Living’s essential oils are the only essential oils I use for healing myself and others. All their oils meet their strict Seed to Seal® quality standards. They are organic, not tested on animals, and are rigorously tested for purity and potency. They meet the highest standar

Blessings to you,
with all my heart